Brighten Your Smile With a Lip Augmentation

A full, well-defined lip is the epitome of youth, beauty and health. Whether you were born with full lips and the effects of aging have taken a toll, or you have never had the luscious lips you have always longed for—now is the time to renew your facial appearance with a lip augmentation. Lip augmentations have seen many advancements recently, and thanks to a wide variety of options to fit every goal and lifestyle, anyone can have the lips of their dreams.

Lip Augmentation Artistry

Even though lip augmentations are growing in popularity and an increasing number of cosmetic professionals are offering them as a service, it is essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience to ensure the most natural-looking results possible. Considering how important the lips are to one’s facial appearance, it is easy to understand how much precision and skill is required to enhance and shape them properly. At Schaffer Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, will personally conduct your lip augmentation procedure after thoroughly examining your facial anatomy to determine the best treatment option for you.

A lip augmentation can increase volume, bring balance to overall facial features or simply enhance the shape of the lips. The best candidates for lip augmentations are men or women who:

  • Have experienced thinning lips due to aging
  • Feel that their lips are too small, too thin or the wrong shape
  • Need their facial features balanced out with fuller lips
  • Smile and find that their lips barely show
  • Feel self-conscious about the appearance of their lips

Types of Lip Augmentations

Every lip augmentation conducted at Schaffer Plastic Surgery is unique. At your consultation with Dr. Schaffer, he will make recommendations for the best treatment options for you based on your unique goals and desires. These recommendations may include surgical or non-surgical options for lip augmentations. Treatment options for lip enhancements include:

Dermal Filler Injections

Dr. Schaffer injects FDA-approved hyaluronic acid fillers (such as Juvederm) into the lip area in a quick, minimally invasive procedure with no downtime. Results include improved shape and added fullness to the lips, which are visible immediately and may last for up to six months.

Natural Fat Transfer

Dr. Schaffer gently harvests fat from an area of the body and performs skillful injections of natural fat to enhance the lips. Since the injection consists of your own body fat, there is no risk of your body rejecting it—only smooth, natural-looking, long-lasting results.

Lip Lift

A surgical procedure where Dr. Schaffer artfully lifts and reshapes the lips by making minor incisions under the nose. Results are long-lasting and scars are hidden below the nose

Lip Implants

A surgical procedure where your own tissue or purified tissue is placed in the lips to enhance volume and shape. Results are long-lasting and incisions are concealed inside the mouth.

What to Expect From Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentations conducted via injectable fillers or natural fat transfers are minimally invasive and require limited downtime. Injections are made with an ultra-fine needle, so discomfort is minimal. However, our top priorities at Schaffer Plastic Surgery are patient safety and comfort, so a numbing cream and ice are commonly used to minimize discomfort. For those who are particularly anxious, nitrous oxide gas and nerve blocks are available.

Bruising is a common side-effect of lip injections, although it is avoidable. The chance of bruising is minimized when your procedure is skillfully conducted by an expert injector and you avoid certain types of medications that can thin the blood. Prior to your injections, Dr. Schaffer will discuss with you the ways in which you can reduce your chances of bruising.

Lip lift or lip implant procedures are performed with local anesthesia in the comfort of our private, state-of-the-art outpatient surgery center which is certified by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities for adhering to the highest standards of safety. The procedure itself usually takes about 30 minutes to complete. Swelling after a surgical lip augmentation usually dissipates sharply after a few days to one week, and almost all swelling should go away within two weeks.

Lip Augmentation Revision Surgery

Benefits of a Lip Augmentation Revision

If you have had a lip augmentation performed and you are disappointed in the results, you should know that you have options available. The lip augmentation revision surgery will improve your initial results, correct any complications you are experiencing and allow you to love your look again.

Reasons To Have a Lip Augmentation Revision Performed

Patients have a lip augmentation performed for a variety of reasons. You may need this surgery if your initial results did not complement your natural features, or if an inexperienced surgeon used an incorrect approach to perform your lip augmentation. You also may prefer a lip augmentation revision if you are looking to refresh or rejuvenate your initial results.

Lip Augmentation Cost

Schaffer Plastic Surgery accepts CareCredit, a healthcare credit card designed for your health and wellness needs. It's a way to pay for the costs of many treatments and procedures and allows you to make convenient monthly payments. Apply today.

Boost Your Confidence With Full, Shapely Lips

When you choose Schaffer Plastic Surgery, you don’t have to worry about your lips looking overdone or leaving our facility with “duck lips.” Dr. Schaffer has decades of experience in lip augmentation procedures and will work hard to achieve the natural-looking results you desire.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Schaffer today to learn more about plumping and sculpting your lips for a more youthful, revitalized appearance.