Choosing Implant Volumes in Cosmetic Breast Augmentation
Posted By:
Dr. Chris Schaffer
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Choosing to undergo breast augmentation is an exciting decision that can lead to a life-changing confidence boost. The next decision to make is on the type of breast implant and volume. As a patient of our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, you will be able to take advantage of his expert eye for aesthetics and assistance as you decide on breast implant volume and cup size.
Considerations for Choosing Breast Implant Volume and Cup Size
Choosing breast implant volume and cup size is a deeply personal decision. Whether you have an exact idea of your desired outcome or are unsure of what would look best for your body type, Dr. Schaffer is extremely gifted in consulting women on breast implant size selection. There are several factors that must be considered when selecting the size of your breast implants, including:
- Your height, weight, chest, and breast dimensions
- Your desired final cup size (Dr. Schaffer can help with this decision if you are unsure.)
- The amount of natural breast tissue you possess
- Your skin’s elasticity
- How physically active you are and how healthy your current lifestyle is.
How Breast Implant Volume Sizing Works
Breast implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc). Keep in mind that the same implant size may end up as a C cup on one woman’s frame and a B cup on someone else’s. To help determine the best breast implant size for you in cubic centimeters, a simple experiment using uncooked rice can help. One ounce of uncooked rice is equivalent to 30cc, making five ounces of rice roughly the same size and weight as a 150cc implant. Fill a plastic bag or nylon stocking with the amount of uncooked rice equivalent to the implant size you are considering, then place it into your bra. Take note of how it looks and feel and try out other sizes as you consider your ideal breast implant volume.
How Safety Can Influence Your Decision
Patient safety is always the top priority at Schaffer Plastic Surgery. Dr. Schaffer will never perform a surgery that poses inherent patient safety risks and takes numerous steps to ensure every breast augmentation procedure is as safe as possible. When it comes to breast augmentation, bigger is not always better. Choosing breast implants that are mismatched to your anatomy can lead to chronic pain and interfere with your lifestyle. Instead, Dr. Schaffer advises patients to choose implants that are precisely fit to their anatomy to reduce the risk of complications.
Start Living Life Beautifully
Schedule a ConsultationCombining Breast Augmentation with a Breast Lift
Before making a final decision on the breast implant volume you want, you may want to consider if you are an ideal candidate for a breast lift. Also known as mastopexy, a breast lift allows Dr. Schaffer to reposition the breast tissue. To lift and reshape the breasts, excess skin is removed, and the nipple is moved to a higher position on the breast. Combining mastopexy with breast augmentation can provide ideal results that require fewer cubic centimeters of implant volume.
Personalizing Your Breast Augmentation Results
Dr. Schaffer is a highly regarded expert on breast augmentation and is passionate about delivering truly personalized results for his patients. He was previously a member of the Mentor LEAD Advisory Board, a prestigious group of plastic surgeons selected for their leadership and experience in shaping the future of breast augmentation. His commitment to safety is second-to-none, and he communicates openly and honestly with patients. When choosing Dr. Schaffer for breast augmentation, you can be rest assured that your results will be natural-looking and aesthetically complementary to your body type.
Choosing your breast implant volume and cup size is an important decision. Call us today at 205-619-9905 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schaffer to discuss your breast augmentation options.
Breast Implant Explant Gallery <p><small>Actual patients and results. Please note results may vary.</small></p>
Implant Exchange Gallery <p><small>Actual patients and results. Please note results may vary.</small></p>
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