Cosmetic Surgery for All Ages

Aging is inevitable — but you can control the aging process and enjoy a personalized treatment plan that allows you to look and feel like the best version of yourself. At Schaffer Plastic Surgery, we specialize in providing all of our patients with tailored, age-specific plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatment options that minimize the impact of aging while enhancing natural beauty.

Understanding the Aging Process

As you grow and age, a variety of environmental, biological and even social factors will influence the aging process. Regardless of when you begin to experience the first signs and symptoms of aging, you will find that the aging process will impact your skin, facial features and body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you can expect the following throughout the aging process:

  • Your skin will lose elasticity, resulting in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Your metabolism may slow down, which can impact how your body carries and distributes weight.
  • Your muscles will begin to lose density and strength, which can lead to excess skin, lines and wrinkles in different areas of your body.

While there are lifestyle changes you can make to help combat the aging process, plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments may offer you the revolutionary, long-lasting results that you crave.

The Tailored Approach at Schaffer Plastic Surgery

Your plastic surgery experience at Schaffer Plastic Surgery begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Schaffer. Known for his personalized approach, Dr. Schaffer will consider your current physical and mental health, age, skin condition, muscle strength and aesthetic goals. After thoroughly discussing your expectations, he will provide you with personalized, age-specific recommendations to help you achieve your goals.

Procedures for Younger Patients

While they may not be experiencing the most significant signs and symptoms of aging, patients in their 20s and early 30s are often interested in plastic surgery procedures that will improve their appearance and showcase their youthful vitality. Within this age range, some of the most popular procedures include rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and acne scar treatment. Dr. Schaffer works with each patient on an individual basis to provide subtle, natural-looking results.

Addressing Concerns of Middle-Aged Patients

Patients in their 30s, 40s and 50s are often most interested in procedures that will counteract the first signs and symptoms of aging or help them manage post-pregnancy body changes. Popular procedures within this age group include:

By considering the aging process for each patient, Dr. Schaffer is able to develop a personalized treatment plan that allows patients in this age group to achieve stunning, rejuvenating results.

Enhancements for Mature Patients

Mature patients who may be experiencing the more advanced signs of aging should know that there are treatment options available that can help them restore their youthful appearance while simultaneously achieving natural-looking results. Patients in their 50s, 60s, 70s or even 80s are often interested in procedures such as the facelift and neck lift, which can revitalize their appearance. As an expert in both the facelift and neck lift procedures, Dr. Schaffer can employ a tailored approach that takes into account the health, skin elasticity and natural features of the individual patient.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options for All Ages

Regardless of your age or where you are at in the aging process, you will find that there are non-surgical treatment options available at Schaffer Plastic Surgery. 

Some of the best non-surgical treatments for managing the signs and symptoms of aging include:

  • Injectable Fillers
  • Laser Treatments
  • Kybella

For these procedures, it’s important to work with an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon who can help you select the most suitable non-surgical treatment options for your needs.

What to Expect at Schaffer Plastic Surgery

Regardless of the type of procedure you are interested in, you can expect a safe and comfortable environment at Schaffer Plastic Surgery. Dr. Schaffer works with each patient in order to ensure that they have a realistic understanding of what their procedure will entail and the results they can expect. With honesty and integrity at the forefront of our practice, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our patients receive the personalized care that they both need and deserve.

Maintaining Your Plastic Surgery Results

The longevity of your anti-aging plastic surgery results will depend on several factors:

  • The procedure that you select
  • Your physical health and lifestyle
  • Your home, work and social environment

Dr. Schaffer provides all patients with honest and reliable information about the results they can expect from their procedure(s). In addition, he provides each patient with personalized guidance about maintaining their results, including implementing proper skincare routines, prioritizing sun protection and making the best possible lifestyle choices. By offering tailored, age-specific advice, Dr. Schaffer is able to prolong the outcomes of his patients’ cosmetic procedures.

Enjoy a Personalized Experience at Schaffer Plastic Surgery

Making the decision to undergo a plastic surgery procedure or invest in a non-surgical treatment is not easy, and at Schaffer Plastic Surgery, we believe that every patient deserves personalized support throughout the entire process. Patients at Schaffer Plastic Surgery receive direct access to Dr. Schaffer, allowing them to reach out with any questions or concerns that they may have. Regardless of your age or stage of life, you will enjoy the exceptional, personalized care that you deserve.

Contact Schaffer Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation appointment and learn more about our age-specific plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments.