What Are Lower and Upper Body Lifts?
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Dr. Chris Schaffer
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The lower body lift and upper body lift are two body sculpting procedures that can improve your appearance and reduce the amount of excess fat and skin on your body. Body contouring procedures are favored by patients who have recently undergone significant weight loss, either through natural means or as a result of bariatric surgery. Dr. Christopher Schaffer specializes in body sculpting, and he prides himself on his ability to provide his patients with personalized results.
What Is a Lower Body Lift?
A lower body lift is a cosmetic surgery consisting of several procedures designed to improve sagging and reduce excess skin in the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. The lower body lift is often preferred by individuals who have recently lost a significant amount of weight, often through bariatric surgery, but it can be performed on patients who have difficulty eliminating fat and sagging skin in specific areas of their bodies.
What Is an Upper Body Lift?
An upper body lift is a cosmetic surgery that includes a combination of procedures designed to lift the upper body. The upper body lift may include the breast lift or the male breast reduction, as well as the upper arm lift and liposuction. This procedure can help refresh and rejuvenate a person’s appearance after their weight loss journey is complete.
When To Get a Lower Body Lift
Patients interested in a lower body lift will want to wait until the appropriate time to have this procedure performed. You may be ready to have a lower body lift if:
- You have experienced significant weight loss as a result of dieting or bariatric surgery.
- You have developed a thin layer of fat or sagging skin near the hip, thigh, abdomen or buttock areas.
- You have noticed that the sagging skin in your lower body is reducing your quality of life by restricting your mobility or causing chafing, rashes or infection.
- You feel this procedure would improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence.
When To Get an Upper Body Lift
Similar to the lower body lift, patients interested in the upper body lift should work with their surgeon to determine when the best time is to have this procedure performed. You may benefit from an upper body lift if:
- You have recently lost a significant amount of weight, either after having bariatric surgery or through diet and exercise.
- You have experienced sagging skin and excess fat following pregnancy and childbirth.
- You have developed sagging skin or excess fat around your arms, chest or waist.
- You have developed pockets of fat around the edges of your lower back.
Benefits of Both Procedures
Both the lower body lift and upper body lift offer similar benefits, including:
- Giving you an improved sense of self-esteem by sculpting your body.
- Reducing the amount of overhanging skin that can lead to rashes, infections and chafing.
- Allowing you to see and enjoy the results of your weight loss.
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Schedule a ConsultationWho Is a Good Candidate for These Procedures?
You may be a good candidate for the lower or upper body lift if you are in good general health and are working on achieving your optimal appearance after your weight loss journey.
Lower Body Lift
The best candidates for the lower body lift are:
- Individuals who have experienced substantial weight loss — either through dieting or after having bariatric surgery peformed — yet are still dealing with excessive loose skin around their abdomen, hips and buttocks.
- Individuals looking to sculpt their lower abdomen, outer hips and buttocks.
Upper Body Lift
The best candidates for the upper body lift are:
- Individuals who have developed excess fat and skin rolls on the upper back and near the chest.
What Are Your Surgical Options?
The lower body lift and upper body lift are two body contouring procedures that may support your appearance goals after you have experienced transformative weight loss. Dr. Christopher Schaffer can help you decide which procedures will be best for your circumstances and health history and will work with you to create a personalized plan.
To best understand your surgical options, set up a consultation appointment with Dr. Christopher Schaffer today.
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