For people desiring a more defined and youthful-looking neck, a neck lift can be a worthwhile procedure that boosts confidence and quality of life. Our American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, is highly experienced in performing neck lifts and designs each procedure based on the unique goals and anatomy of…
Read MoreContemplating rhinoplasty (nasal surgery) is likely to produce questions. With 20+ years of experience, our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Schaffer, has answers for most, if not all. Informed and prepared patients will have more confidence in selecting the procedure and have realistic expectations for their outcome and recovery experience. The Basics of Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty…
Read MoreImproved facial contours are achievable now with less scarring thanks to innovative, minimally invasive surgical techniques. Schaffer Plastic Surgery is pleased to offer the mini neck lift procedure to patients who want to tighten and remove sagging tissues in the neck and under the chin but without multiple incisions. Whether you want to address signs…
Read MoreRespecting the recovery process after breast augmentation surgery is important. As you prepare for your surgery, thinking about how you will sleep after breast augmentation can be daunting. However, rest assured that as a patient of Schaffer Plastic Surgery, your healthy recovery is a top priority to us, and you will receive detailed instructions for…
Read MoreWhen weighing the tradeoffs of any surgical procedure, scarring is typically considered a negative. However, under the care of the right surgeon, scars can be minimized in ways that can make them barely noticeable. As a leader and recognized expert in breast enhancement surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, takes a keen interest…
Read MoreLearning how rhinoplasty is done is an important part of deciding whether to undergo the procedure. At Schaffer Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, spends ample time with patients explaining procedures and addressing specific concerns. Decisions involving plastic surgery can be life-changing and we believe it is our obligation to explain all…
Read MoreSometimes, healthy eating and exercising alone are not enough to get rid of bothersome fat in the midsection. When lifestyle changes have improved your health, but you are still carrying extra belly fat that never seems to go away, liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) are considerations to help you achieve the physique you desire. Learning…
Read MoreMost women undergo labiaplasty to support a higher quality of life. Whether women undergo labiaplasty for aesthetic reasons or physical discomfort caused by enlarged labia minora, we know how eager our patients are to resume their normal activities after this simple procedure. We provide specific instructions to our patients on how to progress through the…
Read MoreLabiaplasty can be a life-changing procedure for women who are bothered by the appearance or functionality of their labia minora. Women with large or uneven labia minora may experience discomfort, irritation or psychological effects such as self-consciousness. Labiaplasty is a simple surgical procedure that can correct a myriad of issues while restoring self-confidence and reducing…
Read MoreAging, breastfeeding and weight fluctuations can result in dramatic changes to the shape of a woman’s breasts. At Schaffer Plastic Surgery we know how distressing this can be, so we offer several different types of breast lifts to help achieve the most aesthetically pleasing result for any breast shape. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher…
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