
Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Safe? 

A top priority among patients considering breast augmentation is safety, as it should be. Elective procedures like breast augmentation would not be worth the risk if they were unsafe. While the procedure is safe, any surgical procedure has inherent risks. Here, we will explain how you can mitigate potential risks and ensure the best outcome…

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Can I Breastfeed After a Breast Reduction?

A breast reduction can be a major, life-enhancing procedure for women who suffer from the physical and emotional pain that can occur from having large breasts. While the procedure is not without risks, it is still considered to be a safe, effective solution to creating a smaller, more comfortable and more shapely breast. A common…

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Breast Augmentation vs. Implants: Which is Best for You?

When it comes to cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the appearance of breasts, there are many choices, options and terms to understand. Understanding the difference between breast augmentation and implants is an important part of deciding on the right procedure for your unique goals. Education is among our top priorities at Schaffer Plastic Surgery, as…

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What to Expect During Recovery From Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a life-changing event for women who have suffered from the physical and emotional pain that can result from having large breasts. Even though the benefits of the outcome of breast reduction surgery almost always outweigh potential risks, knowing what to expect during recovery is an important part of the decision-making process.…

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How to Sleep After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Respecting the recovery process after breast augmentation surgery is important. As you prepare for your surgery, thinking about how you will sleep after breast augmentation can be daunting. However, rest assured that as a patient of Schaffer Plastic Surgery, your healthy recovery is a top priority to us, and you will receive detailed instructions for…

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Everything You Want to Know About Breast Enhancement Scars

When weighing the tradeoffs of any surgical procedure, scarring is typically considered a negative. However, under the care of the right surgeon, scars can be minimized in ways that can make them barely noticeable. As a leader and recognized expert in breast enhancement surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, takes a keen interest…

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Different Types of Breast Lifts

Plastic surgeon marking body for surgery

Aging, breastfeeding and weight fluctuations can result in dramatic changes to the shape of a woman’s breasts. At Schaffer Plastic Surgery we know how distressing this can be, so we offer several different types of breast lifts to help achieve the most aesthetically pleasing result for any breast shape. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher…

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Choosing Implant Volumes in Cosmetic Breast Augmentation

Doctor holding a breast impant

Choosing to undergo breast augmentation is an exciting decision that can lead to a life-changing confidence boost. The next decision to make is on the type of breast implant and volume. As a patient of our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Schaffer, you will be able to take advantage of his expert eye for aesthetics…

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Most Popular Breast Lift Options

Plastic surgeon marking on patient

Breast lifts are a popular procedure for women who may not necessarily be interested in augmentation, but rather a correction to the natural aging process. Restoring a more youthful, feminine proportion is made possible through a breast lift, and this procedure can also help undergarments and swimsuits fit more attractively. Breast lifts should be highly…

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Getting a Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) and Breast Augmentation at the Same Time

Woman standing in her underwear

At Schaffer Plastic Surgery, BBLs and breast augmentations are among our most popular procedures. Many women experience the positive benefits of one of these procedures and return later for the other procedure. In some cases, Dr. Schaffer might recommend getting a BBL and breast augmentation at the same time for women who are sure they…

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