How to Sleep After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Respecting the recovery process after breast augmentation surgery is important. As you prepare for your surgery, thinking about how you will sleep after breast augmentation can be daunting. However, rest assured that as a patient of Schaffer Plastic Surgery, your healthy recovery is a top priority to us, and you will receive detailed instructions for every step of your recovery process—including how to sleep safely.

Best Practices for Sleeping After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Before delving into the details of sleeping after breast augmentation surgery, it is crucial to understand how you can prepare your body for productive sleep while you are awake. Moving during the day, like taking walks or engaging in other light activities during your recovery, is essential for a good night’s sleep. Gentle movement encourages lymphatic drainage and will help to prevent soreness. Additionally, meditating or practicing other mindfulness activities can promote sleep quality by reducing stress.

The Best Sleeping Positions for Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery

Breast enhancement surgery requires a period of back-sleeping to ensure incisions heal undisturbed and to allow implants, if placed, an opportunity to settle into positions safely. Back-sleeping after breast enhancement surgery should keep your upper body slightly elevated. This can be achieved with a special wedge pillow or a stack of pillows. Alternatively, you may be more comfortable sleeping in a recliner. Sleeping in this position after breast enhancement surgery can reduce breast swelling and soreness. It also improves mobility by reducing your use of upper body strength to get out of bed. Additionally, keeping your upper half elevated promotes the healthy growth of scar tissue and supports the body’s natural healing processes.

Other Sleeping Positions for Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery

If back-sleeping is uncomfortable for you, it is possible to sleep on your side after breast enhancement surgery carefully. However, you must take extra precautions if you choose to sleep in this position. Keep a pillow under your breasts to avoid placing unnecessary pressure on them, and make sure to wear an approved surgical bra. This will keep your implants in place and protect your incisions. Practicing any sleeping positions before undergoing your procedure is wise. You should avoid sleeping on your stomach for any reason during recovery, as this could cause injury or interfere with your results.

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Preparing Your Home for a Restful Recovery Experience

You should expect to need a minimum of a few days or up to two weeks off from work following a breast augmentation or enhancement surgery. Preparing your home for a relaxing recovery experience is essential, and it is recommended to have a loved one nearby to assist you. Oral pain medications and early movement will aid in recovery and help you sleep better through the night. While light exercise is encouraged to support the recovery process, avoiding strenuous activities for six weeks post-op is important. Wearing a surgical bra recommended by Dr. Schaffer nightly for six months post-op also offers recovery support.

Other Tips for Breast Enhancement Surgery Recovery

Since breast enhancement surgery is an outpatient procedure, your recovery will be spent at home. You will be sent home with a detailed list of recovery instructions from Dr. Schaffer, including medication details. A higher-strength narcotic pain medication will likely be needed in the first two to three days after surgery, along with muscle relaxers. This time period requires careful attention to your dosage schedule to successfully manage post-op discomfort. Most patients are able to stop using narcotics and strong pain medications within three to seven days following surgery. Staying ahead of your pain by taking medications on time and according to instructions is vital.

Have all your questions about breast augmentation surgery recovery answered by Dr. Schaffer himself. Schedule a consultation today by calling 205.278.7969. 

Breast Augmentation Gallery <p><small>Actual patients and results. Please note results may vary.</small></p>